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Gradle Dependency Management

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Your project can have dependencies on a selection of code, these include;

  • Other projects
  • External libraries
  • Internal libraries

Listing Dependencies

Gradle can list out the dependencies of the project by using the following commands:

gradle -q dependencies - This will list all of the dependencies that are in use across the entire project.

gradle -q dependencies --configuration <implementation> - This will list only the dependencies that are used within the implementation configuration element.

Transitive Dependencies

Some dependencies will depend on other libraries. These are known as transitive dependencies. Gradle will automatically download these when required by another library.


Dependencies are added into gradle via their group, name and version. For example; | group | name | version | | ----- | ----- | ------- | | log4j | log4j | 1.2.17 |

This would be added in to a file as follows; implementation 'log4j:log4j:1.2.17' or implementation '<group>:<name>:<version>'

Dependency Satisfaction

Dependencies can be satisfied from:

  • File system repository
  • Local
  • Maven cache
  • Remote
  • Maven repositories
  • Ivy repositories
  • Other projects

Adding Repositories

File System Repositories

repositories {
 flatDir {

dependencies {
 implementation 'log4j:log4j:1.2.8' // Once a flatDir is added, this can be declared differently. 
 // implementation files ('lib/log4j-1.2.8.jar') //
 implementation group: 'javax.xml.bind', name: 'jaxb-api', version: '2.3.1' // Alternative expression

Configuration Scopes

Projects may have many configurations, these can differentiated between using the file.

There may be dependencies that are only used at:

  • Compilation
  • Runtime
  • Test Compilation
  • Test Runtime

  • implementation - If a dependency is added to the implementation scope, it will be used at compile and runtime for the main code in the application.

  • compileOnly - If a dependency is marked as compileOnly, it will only be used during the compilation phase.
  • runtimeOnly - If a dependency is marked as runtimeOnly, it will only be used during the runtime phase.
  • testImplementation - Used as above, but only within the test scopes. However, the test scopes also inherit from the implementation scopes above.
  • testCompileOnly
  • testRuntimeOnly

Scope and Constants

var log4j_version: String by project
var jaxb_version: String by project
var junit_version: String by project

dependencies { //Versions are set via the variables above and reference, this is Kotlin specific 
 implementation("log4j:log4j:$log4j_version") //Dependencies used for implementation scope
 testImplementation("junit:junit:$junit_version") //Dependencies used for testImplementation scope
log4j_version: 1.2.8
jaxb_version: 2.3.1
junit_version: 3.8.1


buildscript {
 ext {
  log4J_version = '1.2.17'

dependencies {
 implementation "log4j:log4j:$log4j_version" // Elements including variables need to be double-quoted strings
 implementation: 'javax.xml.bind', name: 'jaxb-api', version: '2.3.1'
 testImplementation 'junit:junit:3.8.1'

Remote Repositories

There are a few ways of defining remote repositories.

Well-known Names

repositories {
 mavenCentral() //Points towards the Maven repository
repositories { 
 jcenter() //Points towards the JFrog BinTrade repository


repositories {
 url ""

Custom Maven

repositories {
 maven {
  url ""


repositories { 
 ivy {
  url ""

Multiple repositories

All of the methods for defining a remote repository above can be used in tandem when specifying multiple repositories in the file.

The Gradle Cache

  • Modules / Libraries are cached
  • Reduces latency and bandwidth use
  • File based repository
  • Metadata and files are stored separately
  • Repository caches are independent of the type of repository called
  • File names in the path are based on the hash of the file
  • Dependencies can be refreshed at will
  • Using the --refresh-dependencies flag
  • Can be deleted safely
  • Gradle will re-download files as needed