Assigning Values to Instance Fields

Estimated time to read: 2 minutes

Now that our constructor has a parameter, we must pass values into the method call. These values are referred to as arguments; once they are passed in, they will be used to give the instance fields initial value.

Here we create an instance, ferrari, in the main() method with "red" as its color field:

public class Car {
  String color;

  public Car(String carColor) {
    // assign parameter value to instance field
    color = carColor;

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // parameter value supplied when calling constructor
    Car ferrari = new Car("red");

We pass the String value "red" to our constructor method call: new Car("red");.

The type of the value given to the invocation must match the type declared by the parameter.

Inside the constructor, the parameter carColor refers to the value passed in during the invocation: "red". This value is assigned to the instance field color.

color has already been declared, so we don’t specify the type during assignment.

The object, ferrari, holds the state of color as an instance field referencing the value "red".

We access the value of this field with the dot operator (.):

accessing a field:

// "red"

An actual parameter, or argument, refers to the value being passed during a method call.

Call by value is the process of calling a method with an argument value. When an argument is passed, the formal parameter is initialized with a copy of the argument value. For example, when we declared the ferrari object, the String value "red" is passed as an argument; then, the formal parameter carColor is assigned a copy of that value.