Constructor Overloading

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In Java, because of constructor overloading, a class can have multiple constructors as long as they have different parameter values. The signature is useful in that it helps the compiler differentiate between the different methods. For example:

public class Car {
  String color;
  int mpg;
  boolean isElectric;

  // constructor 1
  public Car(String carColor, int milesPerGallon) {
    color = carColor;
    mpg = milesPerGallon;
  // constructor 2
  public Car(boolean electricCar, int milesPerGallon) {
    isElectric = electricCar;
    mpg = milesPerGallon;

In the example above, there are two constructors. When we initialize an object, the compiler will know which constructor to use because of the values we pass into it. For example, Car myCar = new Car(true, 40) will be created by the second constructor because the arguments match the type and order of the second constructor’s signature.

If we do not define a constructor, the Java compiler will generate a default constructor that contains no arguments and assigns the object default values. Default values can be created by assigning values to the instance fields during their declaration:

public class Car {
  String color = "red";
  boolean isElectric = false;
  int cupHolders = 4;

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Car myCar = new Car();
    System.out.println(myCar.color); // Prints: red